An experiment inspired by Bryan Lewis Saunders, who has been drawing his self portrait for the past 25 years.
I decided to do that while putting myself under certain situations or influences.
I posted progress on my instagram account interacting with people and starting conversations over my observations which turned out to be very interesting.
Also, throughout this experiment a revolution sparked in lebanon which affected my drawing mood and outcome.
I was very curious about the issues tackled throughout this compulsive habit, especially ones about tragedy, social prob- lems, sleep, pain and personality assessment..
who do we see ourselves as from day to day?
what happens to the self as we progress through time?
This series is annotated with comments for each portrait, explaining what went in my head while drawing here’s an example for day 6.
6/31 of my self-portrait a day experiment Time: 03.15 - Duration: 27 mins
drawing under the influence of a few ml of alcohool
not that i didn't do that before but doing it consciously this time was really interesting.
Bryan Saunders (the guy behind my inspiration to do this) pushing it to new levels, with different substances, makes a lot more sense now.
notes: had a heavy hand, and tricked coordination, i think the result comes out as the hand fails to adjust to normal state of activity, and whatever distortion is done comes out as a beautiful surprise.
Then brains concieves it as a problem and solves it with another distortion making it trickier, until it gives up.